The following display and environment characteristics were detected:
1. Spatial resolution:
2. Window resolution:
Please follow carefully the checklist below in order to advance:
- Mobile phones and tablets are not supported.
- If the spatial resolution showed above is lower than 1920x1080 pixels, follow these steps to adjust the display resolution:
a. For Windows: Right-click on the desktop and choose "Display Settings." Adjust the scale and layout to 100%. Then, under "Display Resolution," select an option equal to or larger than 1920x1080.
b. For Mac: Open "System Preferences", click on "Displays", hold down the "Option" key on your keyboard. While holding "Option," click on "Scaled", the additional resolutions will appear. Choose a resolution from the list that is equal to or larger than 1920x1080.
c. For Linux: Go to "Settings" and click on "Displays". Under "Resolution," select an option that is equal to or larger than 1920x1080. Set the scale to 100%.
- Activate the full screen mode in your browser by pressing F11 on your keyboard (for windows users), and Control + Command+ F (for Mac user), and hide any toolbar or bookmark bar by disabling “Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen” in the View menu in your menu bar.
- Check your actual display to be at least 13 inches or 33cm diagonally. You need to enter the size in the next page.